Tisch, paper

Schemel, paper (l.) and Hocker, paper, cryon (r.)

H, glass

A female voice echoes in the public space. It repeats with an ever so slightly different intonation, but over and over again the two words Sauce Hollandaise.
From latently bored to meltingly erotic.

The audio work Sauce Hollandaise, belongs to Five Courses, a collection of audio works that deal with textures of different liquids and relate them to the texture of speech.
To listen to some of them, click here

corner piece (1), glazed ceramic tiles, wood. Photo: Ludwig Neumayr

Grasende, Stehende, Liegende, paper


Untitled, glass, ceramic, canvas

script (excerpt) of Boucherie, bon ou cherie?, a video that is rhythmized by spoken text fragments and photos taken in Marseille. To watch the trailer, click here.

strange, cousin, molten glass

Gelbe Rübe, ground glass, self-sewed plastic bag   

sneak de rêve, written poem on printing paper (referring to Slovenian poem of Tomaž Šalamun) and Stapel, a stack of Din A4 soap

Exhibition in a gravel pit in the countryside of the Bavarian Fünfseenland. It was formed by glaciers during the last ice age. The placement and accessability during the five-day exhibition were determined by the site workers activity. The placement influenced the arrangement of the objects. At least two different arrangements per day took place.

Untitled, cast and pressed post-it-paper, 7 x 7 x 7 cm
Used post-it-papers from private households and of ces were pulped with water. During the mixing process all text dissolved. The paper pulp was cast and then pressed for several weeks.

Untitled, hollowed-out ceramic, 25 x 15 x 15 cm
The appearence of the object, its surface quality and format is exactly the same as the one of a ceramic block coming out of its plastic packaging. It has been hollowed-out, fired and now weighs very little. The object has a counterpart: The extracted clay is massive, red and looks similar to a brick. It weighs a lot.

Untitled, molten glass, 13 x 4,5 x 0,6 cm

Untitled, limestone (shaped and polished), 11 x 5 x 2 cm

Pilates Duo oder Einzel, sound performance (live, 17 minutes, amplified on stereo speakers) and installation in public space. Together with Giulia Zabarella. 
Photos: Leonhard Huber
